On the Settings page, you can upload your brand logo, add and manage admin users, and update your account settings. To open the Settings page, go to the menu on the left side of the page and click the Settings button. Note that this page is only available to Administrator users; Publicists and Content Managers do not have access to Settings.
The Settings page is organized into three sections:
Brand Settings
Under “Set Brand Logo,” you can upload a logo to represent your brand on Screeners.com. We recommend uploading an image that is 1200px by 675px and no larger than 5MB. While JPEG and JPG files are supported, we recommend using a PNG file with a transparent background to ensure your logo is placed seamlessly in notification emails and in the app itself. Once you upload your logo, be sure to click the Save button below the upload window.
Your account’s brand logo is displayed in notification emails sent from Screeners.com and on the Networks page.
Reviewers can receive notification emails when new content is available.
The Networks page is where reviewers can see all the networks that have granted them access to screeners.
Account Settings
Press Contact Reply-to
This section determines the “reply-to” email in Screeners.com email notifications. Reviewers may receive notifications when a title is assigned to them, a new screener becomes available, or a Screeners.com link is sent to them. By entering a reply-to email, you provide reviewers with a quick way to get in touch with a press contact at your network.
If you’d like to enter more than one email, be sure to separate them with commas. If the press-contact field is left blank, then notifications will be sent from “noreply@screeners.com,” without a reply-to email specific to your account.
Viewer Expiration
Here, you can choose to deactivate reviewers after a certain length of inactivity (60 days, 90 days, 120 days, or a year). If a reviewer does not access your network for the specified period, they will lose access to the content you’ve shared with them.
Note that you can also change a reviewer’s status from active to disabled (and vice versa) from the Reviewers page. Just hover over a reviewer’s name, click the Edit button, and change their status in the Status menu.
Default Watermark Template
This is the watermark template that is automatically selected for any new titles added to your account. When adding or editing a title, Administrators can keep the default watermark template or choose a different template. Content Managers and Publicists do not have the option to choose a different template.
Default New Titles to Require MFA?
When this toggle is on, new titles will automatically require multi-factor authentication (MFA) for added security. When it’s off, new titles will not require MFA. When adding or editing a title, Administrators can turn the MFA requirement on or off. Content Managers and Publicists do not have the option to edit this setting for any titles.
In the Administrators section, you can add and delete administrators from your account, and you can edit an administrator’s profile, such as updating their name or administrator type (Administrator, Publicist, Content Manager). For an in-depth guide to managing administrators, please see Administrator Types.