This article will provide a step-by-step guide to adding new titles and screeners to your account. Every screener is contained inside a title. For example, if you are screening a TV show, the show would be the “title” and each episode would be a “screener.”
Note that some of the actions described in this article can only be completed by certain administrator types. For example, a Content Manager can upload the actual screener video file but a Publicist cannot. A Publicist can publish the screener once it has been uploaded but a Content Manager cannot. An Administrator, however, can perform every available action. For a chart explaining what each administrator type can and cannot do, please see Administrator Types.
- Add a New Title
- Update a Title’s Settings or Key Art
- Add a New Screener
- Update a Screener
- Delete a Title or Screener
Add a New Title
Start by clicking Screeners in the Main Menu on the left. This will bring you to the Titles page where all of your network’s titles – live and not live – are listed. Next, click the Add Title button.
This opens the New Title window. Here, you’ll enter basic information about the title and upload the title’s key art.
First, enter a Name and Description. Both of these fields are required. Note that the following special characters are not allowed: = < >
Below the Description, enter the title’s Start and End Dates.
These fields support different workflows:
- Enter a Start Date in the past or present: Once you start publishing screeners for this title, assigned reviewers will immediately have access to the screeners.
- Enter a Start Date in the future: You can start publishing screeners for this title, but assigned reviewers will not have access to the screeners until the start date.
- Enter an End Date in the future: Assigned reviewers’ access to this title will automatically end on the specified end date.
- Leave the End Date blank: Assigned reviewers will have access to the title until you choose to enter an end date or unassign reviewers from the title.
Under Settings, you’ll find two toggles:
- New Screener Notification: When this toggle is on, reviewers assigned to the title will receive an email notification whenever a new screener is published for that title.
- Multi-factor Authentication: When this toggle is on, reviewers will need to log in with Multi-factor Authentication (MFA) in order to watch screeners for this title.
The MFA setting can be changed by Administrators but not by Publicists or Content Managers. As an Administrator, you can have this toggle default to “on” or “off”: On the Settings page, you’ll find the toggle Default New Titles to Require MFA in the top right.
Under Watermark Template, select a template to apply to all the screeners for this title. A watermark template is required. Checkmarks in the Forensic and DRM columns indicates if a watermark template includes forensic watermarking and/or DRM.
To learn about creating and managing watermark templates, please see Watermark Templates. |
Next, you can let reviewers know how to reach you or learn more about your content in the Press Contact section. For websites and social media links, be sure to include the entire URL, including "https://" at the beginning. Note that the following special characters are not allowed: = < >
Any information you enter under Press Contact is displayed to reviewers on the title page:
Reviewer View: Title Page for a TV Show
Finally, upload the title’s key art. These images will be displayed in email notifications sent to reviewers and throughout the interface.
Large Banner Key Art (1920 x 1080) is visible to reviewers as they browse the titles available to them. For example, two titles are currently available to the reviewer below:
Reviewer View: Title Browse Page
Once the reviewer clicks on a title, the same banner appears in the background with a blur effect and reduced opacity:
Reviewer View: Title Page for a TV Show
Title Key Art (404 x 608) is displayed in notification emails when you assign a title to a reviewer. For example:
On the administrator side of, you’ll see the title key art on the Titles page. The large banner appears in the background of the individual title’s page.
When you’re done uploading key art, click the green Add Title button.
The title is now set up, and you’re ready to start adding screeners.
Update a Title’s Settings or Key Art
Click on Screeners in the Main Menu on the left to see a list of your network’s titles (both live and not-live titles). Then, select the title you want to update.
On the title’s page, click Edit Title in the top right
In the Edit Title window, you can:
- Update a title’s name and description.
- Adjust the start and end dates.
- Turn new-screener notifications on or off.
- Turn multi-factor authentication (MFA) on or off.
- Choose a different watermark template to apply to the title.
- Edit press contact information, including social media links.
- Replace the title’s key art.
When you’re done making changes, click the green Update Title button in the bottom right.
Add a New Screener
Click on Screeners in the Main Menu on the left to see a list of your network’s titles (both live and not-live titles). Then, select the title where you want to add a screener.
On the title’s page, click Upload Screener in the top right.
The Upload Screener button also contains a down arrow on the right side. Clicking this arrow gives you the option to Copy Screener From. Use this option if you want to make a copy of any screener that has already been uploaded to your network. Note that editing or deleting a copy of a screener does not impact the original screener. |
In the New Screener window, you’ll enter basic information about the screener, upload the video file, upload the key art, and add any caption files.
First, enter a Name and Description. Both of these fields are required. Note that the following special characters are not allowed: = < >
If the screener is part of a series, you can select Season and Episode numbers from the dropdown menus.
Next, upload the screener video file by clicking either the Browse button or the blank progress bar. This will allow you to browse your computer for the file you want to upload. (You can learn about upload specifications here.)
When the upload is complete, you’ll see 100% in the progress bar.
Next, upload a poster frame. For reviewers, the poster frame will appear as the screener’s thumbnail image on the title’s page:
Reviewer View: Title Page for a TV Show
The poster frame will also appear in notification emails if you send a reviewer a link or if you opt to send new-screener notifications:
Lastly, under Caption Files, you can add WebVTT files for different languages. (Learn more about captions here.)
When you’re done, click the green Add Screener button in the bottom right.
Back on the Screeners page, a spinner below the thumbnail indicates that the screener is processing. You can publish the screener once the spinner turns into a blank circle.
Keep in mind that uploading a screener does not make it accessible to reviewers. To learn how to make screeners live and viewable, please see Publish Screeners.
Update a Screener
To make changes to a screener, hover over the screener thumbnail and click the Edit button.
In the Edit Screener window, you can:
- Update a screener’s name, description, and (if applicable) season and episode numbers.
- Make the screener live and viewable, or make the screener no longer live and viewable. This option is available to Administrators and Publicists but not to Content Managers.
- Replace the video file. This option is available to Administrators and Content Managers but not to Publicists.
- Replace the poster frame.
- Add, remove, or replace caption files.
When you’re done making changes, click the green Update Screener button in the bottom right.
Delete a Title or Screener
Delete a Title
To delete a title, click on Screeners in the main menu on the left. Then, click on the title you want to delete.
On the title’s page, click Edit Title in the top right.
Scroll down to the bottom of the Edit Title window, and click the red Remove Title button. This option is available to Administrators and Content Managers but not to Publicists.
Please note that deleting a title will delete all of the screeners contained in that title. For example, if the title is a TV show that contains multiple seasons, all of this content will be deleted.
A popup window will ask you to confirm that you want to delete the title. Once a title has been deleted, it cannot be recovered.
Delete a Screener
To delete an individual screener, hover over the screener thumbnail and click the Edit button.
Scroll down to the bottom of the Edit Screener window, and click the red Remove Screener button. This option is available to Administrators and Content Managers but not to Publicists.
A popup window will ask you to confirm that you want to delete this screener. Once a screener has been deleted, it cannot be recovered.