You can publish a screener once the screener video file finishes processing. A spinner below the thumbnail indicates the screener is processing.
Processing times vary depending on the file size and codec used.
When the video finishes processing, the spinner turns into a blank circle. You can now make the screener live and viewable to reviewers.
To make the screener viewable:
1. Hover over the thumbnail and click Edit.
2. Then, turn on the toggle Make Screener Live & Viewable.
3. Scroll to the bottom of the Edit Screener window, and click the green Update Screener button.
Back on the main title page, a white checkmark now indicates the screener is viewable.
Note that a reviewer’s ability to watch the screener is determined by the Start and End Dates set at the title level. If the title’s start date and time have passed, then the screener is now viewable to reviewers assigned to the title. If the title’s start date and time are in the future, then the screener will become available to reviewers on the specified date and time. See Create an Availability Window for a Title to learn more.
A shortcut to publishing or unpublishing a screener is to simply click the white circle on the screener tile.
Administrators and Publicists can make screeners live and viewable, but Content Manager cannot. Please see Administrator Types to learn more about the permissions granted to different administrator types. |
Create an Availability Window for a Title
All screeners in a title are subject to the Start and End Dates set at the title level. When you create or update a title, these dates can be adjusted directly below the Description field.
The dates you enter here take precedence over the “viewable” status indicated by the white checkmark on the screener tile:
- If the title Start Date is in the future, the published screener will not be viewable until that start date.
- If the title End Date has passed, the published screener will no longer be viewable.
These date fields allow you to set an availability window for a title. This way, you can prepare one or more screeners to automatically become available at a set date and time and send notification emails to reviewers on that date and time. Click here to learn more about the notifications you can send to reviewers.
Using the date and time picker, you can select times in half-hour intervals (e.g., 9am, 9:30am, 10am, 10:30am). If you do not select a time for the End Date, the time will default to 12am. Time zones on this page correspond to the time zone of the device you are on.
Need to give select reviewers early access to a screener? In some cases, you may want most reviewers to access a screener on a particular date but some reviewers to have access on an earlier date. In this scenario, you can create a Link whose start and end dates override the start and end dates of the title itself. To learn how, please see Links: Sharing Individual Screeners. |